R&D advisory and labs winter party dance to this mix (2024 edition)

Winter dance party in a basement bar

I recorded this live on the Pacemaker device's build in recorder/editor while mixing at our work end of year do. Its a little ropey in places but its all mixed live and with new tunes that I wouldn't normally mix with. This is similar to the Amstels thriller chiller mix…

Quantum entanglement in the null sector

Djing live with the Pacemaker at EMFCamp 2022

I did the last DJ set of the night at EMF Camp 2022 in the null sector. It was an absolute pleasure and I really miss DJing live sometimes. However one thing, I didn't enable record on the Pacemaker device. It was kind of gutting because it was a good…

The mayday rave up in your flat

Lasers at a rave

I present the mayday rave up in your flat live mix. Recorded live while mixing live on R&Dio (our internal R&D radio station) the other day. The volume levels were a bit high sorry, but its not horribly distorted through-out, I had no monitor and the delay at the other…